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You know, it strikes me that Wang could select her attire to reflect the music shes playing. What a shame! Very glad to have read the article, though: (a) because of the anecdote about Ruth Gipps and (b) because of the link to her obituary. Interesting that your list is rather heavily weighted towards white men no Uchida, Hess, Haskil, Hewitt, nor Landowska. After that there is nothing to suspect just listen and, if you are so inclined, form your opinion about what you are hearing. She has also performed on the soundtrack to the film Summer in February. When I saw the pictures of "that outfit", my first thought was "how on earth can she pedal in those shoes?". I dislike vulgar advertising, have always cringed at the incessant press releases whenever certain artists have a bowel movent (see: Domingo; diDonato, or make your own list)but dont find this with Wang. She is awesome. I would enjoy the music while she plays, and the looks before and after. Geezis Christ, shes one ofif not THE greatest female pianist on the planet!?! What Should We Wear Onstage? - Polyphonic Archive - Institute for Music Its okay to age with grace, and let your dress evolve appropriately with it. A pianist who radiates palpable magnetism and a distinctly contemporary sensibility, Yuja Wang is an astounding artist whose awe-inspiring technique is. Who does she think she is, Ariana Grande? Perhaps wisely, Klaus Mkel kept the Oslo Philharmonic in a largely supporting role for the concerto, with plenty of individual instrumental quality, but overall orchestral levels low enough to let their star soloist shine. Simply stated, its too much! Actually she is right. A nuns habit (for Liszt) or a misogynistic burkini? Also, Yuja Wang hides in plain sight in her livery. Surely Yuja could wear pants if appropriately tailored. Your characterization of a brilliant and serious pianist who has demonstrated a rare versatility in her artistry as a chinese attention whore is distressing and shows not only a rampant misogyny but also a prejudiced attitude. Why cant you get that through your dense cranial feature??? Third, I am an Eastern Asian; what submissive stereotype this article is talking about? I dont find this a crazy comment, but of coure I may be mistaken. A profile in the New Yorker referred to her "extremely short and tight dresses that ride up as she plays, or clinging. She is in that very large part of classical music which bifurcated into showbiz 30 (?) With that attitude, the concert halls are going to be empty very soon. ?Were discussing musical composition for grand piano here. Ignoring the sensibilities (or sensitivity) of your audience, in exchange for boosting your confidence? And that is all what it is about here. By your logic, USA will be the most repressive country as there are so many people find it necessary to liberate themselves. Why judge her on this, she is an attractive young woman and is not harming anyone. And yet: it is talked about her!!! But the concert hall is not a beach. Yuja, its all up to you. Little wonder young people are so utterly messed up they feel forced to engage in sex because they are surrounded by overtly sexualised morons who trade their titillation for recognition. Why on earth should I care why is someones outfit news? To appreciate a musical performance, obviously the looks are irrelevant. I must also say that Im pretty fed up with this websites continued reporting on topics like this. She played with urgency, brilliance, color, energy, and emotion. So, performers should NOT draw attention to their own bodily presence because there is already more than enough bodily presence in the music to be experienced. People dont matter about pop artists nudity on stage because de audience of this kind of music is already drown in an ocean of vulgarity. This is our concert. Repeating the same statement without supporting it with any credible evidence does not make it true. If you need to get attention by appearing semi-naked, either you know your artistry is limited (as is the repertoire for which Yuja Wang is known) or you have a suspicion it is, a deep-seated lack of confidence in the depth and breadth of your abilities. If youve got it, then flaunt it. Misogyny?? Dr. Ege Africa themed dresses are well-thought/tasteful and matches the music she plays that night. Diminish her? 3,216 talking about this. I believe we both think in the same way. Give it a rest. You are either a total ignorant or plain stupid! One of our readers in the audience gives this description of her outfit: 'all black,. Yuja Wang. 2 Deutsche Grammophon - 00289 477 9308 - europe - 2011 CD S/S 20.00 blancamusic (Romania) Add to cart Details Sell Compare yuja wang piano By the way, I dont have a camera, even on my mobile phone. Iniciou os estudos de piano com a idade de seis anos e logo ingressou no Conservatrio Central de Msica em Pequim. Sergey Prokoviev: Piano Concerto No. Yuja Wang is the measure of all things in the entire world of classical pianists. If music is the point, you dont need to see anything. If the President of the U.S. read the Washington Post, perhaps he would skip the golf course and make a beeline for the Kennedy Center to catch Wangs final performance there this weekend. PianoToronto Symphony Orchestra's Spotlight Artist 22/23San Francisco Conservatory of Music's Artist in Residence 22/23. (Twas worth it; just heard her in Aix-en-Provence! I should be interested to know why misogyny seems to be so prevalent among readers of this blog. She has the right to wear whatever she wants on stage and thats what people will first notice. Good for her! Wang certainly blew the minds of her Lincoln Center audience. I get an extra thick one that can absorb all the drool when I lure at women. Rationality and the mind have historically been coded masculine, sensuality and the body feminine, with the result that women and their bodies have been marginalised within classical music. As a nudist myself, Ive nurtured a secret hope that one of these days, maybe before she turns forty, Yuja will take her sartorial proclivities to their logical extreme and perform at least one concert, preferably a large number of concerts, entirely without clothing (and preferably with grown-out axillary and pubic hair as well, since the shaving of body hair can be considered a falsification of the natural body in the same way that wearing clothes is). On 30 October I heard them in Helsinki, where Yuja played Beethovens 2nd Piano Concerto dressed in the same way as at the present concert in Washington DC. Ms. Wang was in fact interviewed years ago on the subject of her clothing choices. You dont play like Yuja Wang, I assume. As I have said many times before, we desperately need sex appeal in our industry especially when its backed by great artistry and great repertoire. However, she is in the way to do it. Desperate for female company much ? What you are calling for is anarchy (Yuja can do what she wants). These articles are always written about women, yet, the male soloists and conductors long ago dropped wearing tails and their attire ranges from the flamboyant to the casual, they post pictures of their workout routines on their social media in a transparent attempt to show off their bodies, and nobody says a word when they completely let their bodies go. The Peace Concert Versailles. In my twenties, Id put on my tight Herve Leger dress and heels, and it looked like I was going to the bar. If shes sufficiently immature to want to be deliberately provocative, its best to ignore the display and focus on the music. Se clearly thinks it is funny to see audiences reaction when she gets almost naked. She has released six CDs on with Deutsche Grammophon: Sonatas & Etudes in 2009; Transformation in 2010; Rachmaninov in 2011; and Fantasia, in March 2012. One of our readers in the audience gives this description of her outfit: all black, pantyhose, over-the-knee high heel boots, black bra and black very little and very tight shorts that look more like panties., Anne Midgette writes in the Washington Post: The piano soloist was Yuja Wang, a brilliant artist who is fond of provoking conservative audiences with skimpy concert attire, and who on Thursday appeared to have forgotten her dress altogether and looked as if she were playing in her underwear.. ", They were paying attention to this rather than the music, Wang told the New York Times last week. Is every single little thing Politics, in your world? Yuja Wang Simn Bolvar Symphony Or Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No.3 Yuja Wang is the world's greatest classical pianist. The login page will open in a new tab. If she were wicked smart she would give one interview, stating her attire being a feminist statement. Nobody can reach her incomprehensible technical perfection and her phenomenal expressiveness and stage presence. Shes given many performances dressed in beautiful full-length gowns, but no mention of this in this testosterone-filled comments section. As a matter of fact, sometimes I think that audiences hear what they see. For information on becoming a SoundBox Sponsor, contact May Van Norman at [email protected] or 415.503.5475. No doubt about it. According to this view, YW does not have to abide by any rules, certainly not the rules of respect and social decency. Ive seen her at the Wiener Konzerthaus and the only thing which staggered me was her facility with pedalling in high stiletto heals. If she does this, Yuja will have written herself into musical history in not just one but two ways: not just as one of the twenty-first centurys greatest classical pianists, but as the first classical performer of major stature to appear nude on the concert stage (unless you count Friedrich Gulda as being of sufficient stature to hold that distinction; in any case, Yuja would be the first female). Well, I love Yuga Wang and I love the clothes she wears. Yuja Wangs clothing is unsensitive and disrespectful, thus it poses some dificulties if you are supposed to talk about it in a sensitive and respectful way. Artist - Yuja Wang - Intermusica Well John ( or should I say Jesus) for your noble sacrifice. I only care about her music he is uneven, but very talented, certainly will be more constant in a few years. She is as good as Argerich was when she was 30. Dudamel and Yuja Wang lead an exceptional Rachmaninoff fest - Los Yes, Yuja Wang did an encore. Critics and pundits who moan the death of classical music should be thrilled that Wang can sell out the National Symphonys monthly Friday noon-time concert like she did this week. Yuja Wang | Start - Deutsche Grammophon She knows that concertizing is, finally, show biz and plays it to the hilt, in every way. Like so many women, they flaunt themselves when they know theyre hot, she just happens to be a great pianist. Grubby old pervs and stuffy reactionaries should stop concentrating on how she looks and focus on how she plays. (And note that Im not counting the opera stage, only the concert stage.). The way she goes about playing it, yes. However, her dress code is disgusting for a classical musician. Classical music is non-conceptual in the sense that it is about the how, not the what of experience. I really want the music. The (other?) Again if we close our yes, we wont get the pianist gender for sure. Nothing is ever enough, just an insistence that others conform to their agenda. I hope Im wrong, but why not list what you find invalid in her career? Nah.. a micro-dress cut an inch below the butt. I suppose some would be happier were she to hide herself in a burka or burlap bag. In 2001 she enrolled as a student at Calgary's Mount Royal College, and the following year she won the audition at the famous Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. If she thinks being eye candy gets her more gigs, so be it. Lebrecht is right. Yannick Nezet-Seguin, as a good pianist and an excellent conductor, conducted the entire concert with extraordinary precision, with beautiful musical phrasing and total . Wang Yuja attended Beijing s Central Conservatory of Music and Calgary s Mount Royal College, Alberta, Canada, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, PA. Yuja Wang is turning 37 in . Yuja Wang interview: 'I can wear long skirts when I'm 40' - The Telegraph We can wait. Shes already 30 cant be too many more years of the skimpy outfits left. Otherwise its just another Friday (or whatever night it was!?!) She forgot to mention that French music is light and gay, and Italian operas have a profusion of pretty tunes eye roll . Here, you thought, was a moment possible only at the meeting of this orchestra and composer. Yuja got praiseworthy reviews and dress was ignored in passing. Chopin: 26 Prludes; Barcarolle; Polonaise. And maybe, because this piece of news generates dozens of comments, while others generate just a few. Shes entitled to have fun with fashion on stage, but fun with flesh belongs elsewhere. But when performers want to draw attention to their outfits, on purpose (for whatever reason), they do a disservice to the music they are supposed to serve. Nut cases politicize everything. In this performance in Los Angeles, Lang Lang played Bach's Goldberg Variations. Your comments appear more to be jealousy of her success rather than based on valid artistic issues. If the audience were mysogynists, why then the applause? 3); 2 p.m . Yuja Wang is a genius, she could play wearing the Yellow pages it wouldnt matter. Yuja Wang Boyfriend 2023: Dating History & Exes - CelebsCouples Yuja Wang /Her Best Performance - YouTube Ms. Look with your ears and listen with your eyes. My own theory is that Yuja Wang uses fashion as a means of liberating herself from the repression of her country of birth and its authoritarian culture, China. In other words: classical music has loads of sensuality in it to be experienced, but in a stylized way, so that it is accessible to anybody with enough perceptive abilities. You should see Theresa May play the auld Orange flute, here she is in Downing Street parading to welcome Arlene Foster! Post-intermission Ms. Wang likes to wear something more revealing. Yuja Wang. NL knows hes going to get at least 23 comments when Yujas clothes are up for discussion. Its very creepy and weird! Its just that classical musicians tend to be out of step with the times in sartorial matters. Yuja Wang: Happy Birthday to the Star Pianist! - Interlude Please respect our format and your fellow musicians. Ridiculous. 3 years ago. Which offends? Her short dress or critic's narrow view? Select your subscription length below and head to the checkout: Please log in again. Yuja Wang - The Cross-Eyed Pianist Welcome! Membership benefits will include a daily digest of stories delivered to your email, and occasional exclusive offers from our partners. Yuja Wang Julia Wesely/The Times Combining phenomenal technical brilliance and dramatic outfits, Yuja Wang is one of the hottest tickets on the classical music stage. Still waiting for her her play something that isnt just all flash and trash. Why not comment on the way she puts together her program, or the bad interior design choices of the theatre, where e.g. Lang Lang is better at melody, and Yuja Wang is better at rhythm. Luckily for you, there will be a video stream of her playing the same concerto next year with WDR SO and Hra. Immediately no criticism anymore. Its just an outfit best suited for her when she was younger. That decorum has been changing constantly and is very different in this century compared to the 18th., Isaac-Mizrahi-David-Andrako-Courtesy-The-Wallis-1 The problem is, she doesnt really have the figure for it, right?? No! Clothing, Shoes & Accessories; Computers/Tablets & Networking; Seller Feedback (350,806) n***l (2196) - Feedback left by buyer n***l (2196). Yuja Wang, Daredevil Pianist, Takes on a Musical Everest Regardless of the performance, the dress (uniform) should equally complement the music and not overwhelm it. This is supposed to be the result of a historic split: The notion that what we see might distract from music, rather than shape our experience of it, stems from a centuries-old division of body and mind, physicality and rationality, that claims classical music as purely cerebral stuff. The orchestra is not the star and never has been. She should not be enjoying such a major career, and it comes at the expense of serious musicians who do not distract the audience with their clothing. I think the dress should not detract from the performance, whether male or female. Yuja Wang has lived on her own, pursuing a career as a concert pianist, since she . I am one of many who refuses to listen to her music because she prides herself by dressing like prostitutes on stage. Yuja Wang is the 25-year-old Chinese pianist revamping the classical music scene with her tight, short, colorful dresses. Interesting how much the image of Michael Bojesen on this very same page does fit to the expectations the 60+ have of the dressing of a serious classical musician. Actually, burkas for both sexes would do recitals a lot of good. Leave her alone. The inability to talk about Wangs clothing in a sensitive and respectful way reveals damaging and longstanding assumptions around women and their dress on the classical stage.. Thats right, Ive turned into a fashion critic, wrote Norman Lebrecht, who described Wangs outfit as a micro-dress cut an inch below the butt. But this sexualised account couldnt be further from fashion criticism. Which makes sense, as L.A. is kind of superficial and more visual. Some people consider prostitution as a venerable job like architecture or poetry, both like prostitution with a long history of thousands of years and stretching back to the dawn of civilization. ). Im afraid the jury is still out on this one. Pianist's Short Dress Causes Shitstorm - Jezebel Really! Yuja Wang on Amazon Music Perhaps, as someone has noted, a radio broadcast would be the best solution to end the debate. Daniel Harding and Charles Dutoit conduct 20th-century masterpieces - With Yuja Wang, Christoph Prgardien, David Guerrier, and Renaud Capuon. As to height she seems just over 5ft tall and needs those heels for healthy alignment and form playing pre made pianos. And these idiots complain about the male gaze, the objectification of women, and being treated as sexual puppets ? The triple-play, one could say??? She thinks that shes Cziffra reincarnate, but there could only be one Cziffra, and he had plenty to say! This miss Wang is GREAT. 19 - Sinfonia In Sol Maggiore N. 88 - Concerto Per Quattro Pianoforti BWV 1065 (CD, Album . Yuja Wang VS Page Turner. Yuja is one with her music she is no longer separate and the music no longer belongs to the composure it one with Yuja they together are total complete entity the expression of total passion and love intertwined for the world to witness. She is an ingenious pianist , and , as far as I am concerned, she can wear her undies, so long she playes as she does! Probably, then she will shock audiences with outrageous long dresses, capes, hats with feathers etc. Her playing still leaves me cold although shes come a long way over the years. I really dont understand why people care about her clothes. I am certain that if a man showed up to perform a concerto wearing a bathing suit, Mr Lebrecht would also make mention of it. Pianist Yuja Wang is celebrated for her charismatic artistry, emotional honesty and captivating stage presence. Ive been a classical violinist for over sixty years. Face reality: if listeners were really attending to hear a pianist they could stay home and binge on videos. Difficult (but wonderful) concerto no matter what youre wearing. Just my personal opinion. Needless to say-Right On! Yet another portion is fascinated by her because so many other people are fascinated by her, which is the primary mechanism of celebrity. If it were me, having audiences pay to see me is more than enough boost! Thats one of the most original comments on the topic so far. Tchaikovsky: Klavierkonzert Nr. Review: Yuja Wang Sweeps Through a Rachmaninoff Marathon Steinway Fanatic: her attractiveness drew me to listen, her artistry made me come back. Wangs couture (i.e., what little there is of it) makes it impossible for her male listeners to do anything other than deal with the fantasies that her visuals inevitably conjure up.. Yuja Wang, Gramophone's "Young Artist of the Year" 2009, hearkens to the no-holds-barred pianistic sensations of the 19th century "Whereas many pianists try to dominate this set of variations, she worked with it. The reason she chooses to dress that way is, quite simply, because she can just like a child who will eat nothing but candy, if left unsupervised. As a sixty-year veteran of orchestras, I have to say, grow up. I personally find it utterly disrespectful for the genre. (Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times) On paper, pianist Yuja Wang's recital Sunday. Se is an outstanding pianist, but her (beautiful) nude skin is distracting. Its precisely the same with the crap music being pumped out by artists should as Gaga, Lopez and Beyonce : utter crap, dressed and behaving like depraved prostitutes. The two remaining concerts in the orchestra's Rachmaninoff cycle with Yuja Wang, Feb. 4 and 5 in Verizon Hall, are sold out, but patrons may check for availability at or 215-893-1999. Yuja.Thank goodness there is a Yuja!! And if I did, I certainly would not use it at a concert. Or $11.49 to buy MP3. Whats leftist about calling out misogyny whenever its evident? Love live Yuja! Yuja Wang (@yujawang.official) Instagram photos and videos She probably ran to the Acela. It would be interesting to listen to her and Vanessa Mae (not sure about the spelling) playing the Kreutzer Sonate. Four great artists IMHO. However, I let my ear be the judge when it comes to musical performances. It tells us nothing about the dress beyond its length. I think, Kyle, that these days she would more likely be called a seam technician. as long as there is noboby else who dresses comparaby (including Thibaudet).. Recalling Virgil Fox Yuja Wang vinyl, 60 LP records & CD found on CDandLP Mutter still wears off-the-shoulder, but people no longer find it distracting from her artistry. I love this artist and I adore her couture! It expands her bank account but diminishes her as an artist. Why?..because she can. Charlize Althea Garcia February 28, 2023 0. Yuja Wang, Pianist and Fashion Plate - The New York Times The interpreter ( of the music, the composers intent) has , sadly, been replaced by the sensory spectacle of the performer. In my twenties, I'd. Schumann Fantasy In C, Op. Her clothing is but a visual statement not necessarily of fashion it is, however, one component of her music which lends itself to her artistry and expresses her total love and complete passion for the experience the she shares with us the audience. The Argentinian made some of the most important records during the 70s, that remains up to now among the best ever interpretations. Why does our industry complain about Ms Wang when she flaunts the physical gifts she has along with her wonderful musicianship. I expect she will only get better, although that seems nearly impossible. Yuja Wang - How tall is Yuja Wang? And Thank You for YOUR contribution to music in Manhattan and music in general with your delightful playing. When I look at her dress, I can see them . She doesnt have it. She plays the hell out of the piano in a world where there are many fine players and no way to stand out. Vinyl: $22.98 MP3: $11.49. But thats not who she is. night. She (or her management) is smart enough to know that her playing isnt particularly interesting or special, so she does what she can to stay in the spotlight.