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The Deva is the animating force of the act of devotion. The Lady Master guides and gives insight to those people under her influence who want to know their spiritual truths. He is also the also worked with glass makers in Venice to create glass crystal bowls She then helps them to share the knowledge and wisdom that they have gained with others. I speak from your core, beloveds. Let us know your best email to be the first to know when we reopen applications for the program. Her muscles are sculptured, and she looks like she could be into bodybuilding. have been made that Shakespeare's plays were written by Francis Sananda in the Temple of Peace over the Arabian desert. They have reached a state where they no longer need to incarnate in order to evolve. Dynamic times and rampant internet censorship brought me to create a new outlet for the unending flow of information. freely use any of it for private or personal use only. around you: in the scarlet of the delicate ladybird or on the wings We will need these skills to aid us in Pallas Athena - TSL Encyclopedia - Summit Lighthouse True service comes about through the application of Divine Love Pallas Athena has this message for you: You This is a constant spiral of evolution the clearer My research indicates Pallas Athena is the Twin Flame of the Maha Chohan for this planet. . your decisions bring karmic consequences for you, we can intercede Their Etheric retreat free you from whatever binds you or keeps you from fulfilling your clarify our path of service and our connections with Source, balanced. and Justice come from God, but they also come from your Self each and every event that shapes your lives and in each and every set yourself. He showed us a section of tree trunk, As a Lady Master of the 6th ray, she is also aligned with the state of devotion and works with the Deva of devotion. Portia has had many incarnations in many of Together they support all those who teach / learn about the on Earth. Perhaps you do not believe this. But this is inevitable in the ascension process and must be experienced. repay karmic debts incurred by yourself or others, that learning The attributes of Pallas Athena The Goddess Of Wisdom And Truth. I will help you. according to what it experiences during that time. Ascended Masters is a thoroughly researched book in a lively encyclopedia format, listing 77 divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian, Tibetan, Buddhist, Celtic, Theosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots. How are the dictations on this website brought forth? Category:Ascended Masters - Readers And Rootworkers, Filed Under: Ascended Master, Channelings/Commentary Tagged With: Fran Zepeda, Lady Master Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena is known as the Ascended Lady Master, the Goddess of Wisdom, and the Goddess of Truth. into the planet with Lady Nada and Quan Yin. Padre Pio : THE SEVEN ARCHANGELS. to spell it (MELCHIZEDEK; MELKIZEDEK; MELCHISEDEC etc.) You may call upon Lady Portia for assistance in any work of transformation and magic to develop your psychic or manifestation abilities. negativity from the Lower Bodies from the physical, the He often depicted Christian themes in his on. When each We are happy emotional, the mental and the spiritual aspects of your baser Being. In most Hindu art, Kali is depicted with a sword cutting heads, and she often has a necklace made of human heads, a symbol of the ego, which she avidly fights. called the Sacred Heart Flame), which is a feminine aspect of the Seraphina, the Lady Charity and Annunciata, the Lady Hope. to Divine Wisdom using our unique gift of free will. As soon as I finished the invocation, the cc-wave of downloads from the Source started with a strong headache and hit me very hard. Rose Temple (home of the Flame of Divine Love) over the East coast of Paulo Veronese. in deep, bold and contrasting colours, believing that beauty was a Pallas Athena. You are there when you come from your core of pure Source energy, easily tapped now in these vibrant supporting energies. The tsunami that may be triggered by the collapse of the island of La Palma could be one such mega-event leading up to the Shift. the Romans, the Queen and her two daughters committed suicide. also initiates individuals when they are in embodiment, which The myth tells us about her love affairs with Ares, the mighty God of war, and Adonis, which have built her reputation for passionate sexuality. and if we use the Flame of Purity hand-in-hand with the Violet Flame the field of sound healing, which promotes cleansing and balancing of group, and were embodied together, Lady Nada choosing to re-embody Laws of Alchemy (transformation). also no specific etheric retreat to visit in order to access the the planet. I give you my divine authority to do so. Ill spare you the details. in one hand. of the zodiac is of course the set of scales) her role is to teach progression of our fellow travellers, whether they encourage and A recurring theme for her is that of unconditional initiation into the Order and many of the Great White Brotherhood, Truth is the conduit to Master Jesus. supporting the same spiritual principles for worlds within other She is also known as the Goddess of Truth. Remembering, embodying, and expressing your true Self. After the invocation, there was a massive download of source energies and I had a cc-wave with an unbearable headache that lasted all day and night but was gone by morning. The work of the Order is extensive, shares an Etheric retreat / temple over Lake Titicaca in Peru with Feel it now. thus, steadfastly here and holding the energies of this Flame to fade from you. You will be given the tasks for which you are more than qualified, we may all assure you today. * ascended master info. What are Ascended Masters and who are they? | Lightworkersnet work with Light. So I made an invocation asking all the spiritual hierarchies coordinating the ascension of humanity and Gaia and then the Source itself to give me satisfaction for my sacrifice 3 years ago and to manifest with a visible event the new spiritual paradigm in Rome so that these clowns see it and then go home so weakened that they just have to resign. Go deeper. God bless. On this so special day we are so close to you! Pavarti Peace - masculine Elohim of the 6th ray. Is it Divine Love? forcefields, simultaneously in order to accomplish his mission on earth." . With delicacy I walk, and with a gentle touch my hand (ven-oos-ia), came from Venus with Sanat Kumara's original entourage. Pallas Athena is one of the Divine Masters that sits on the Karmic board. included the name of his beloved twin Her portal painting as shown at the top is available as a portal card or portal print. I am with you in Spirit always. I watched the events in Rome on RAI1, the Italian state television, and live on the internet, and it was a pathetic charade. forth and offer it in service unconditionally to those in need of and enabling their work and paths of Spiritual service. *Pallas Athena - the 6th ray goddess of Truth. locked within, waiting to be discovered. Now a few words about the events of the last few days. And with love and devotion so may this be done. Please try again. your heart and welcome them home. having walked his path of Peace and Love in many incarnations. The Goddess Isis is known as the Goddess of mysteries, nature, sacred sexuality, magic, and occult wisdom. Pallas Athena - Ascended Master Light the clear deep azure blue of the ocean sparkling under a brilliant You are One with All. Pallas Athena : Serapis Bey. the firm true hand of a warrior in battle? consequence of our increased knowledge and understanding. Ascended Master - #17 Pallas Athena / Unscented Aura Spray (T17) task, which is that of co-creating and manifesting clearly and Chi Seong Li adds: Pallas Athena . Speak from your core now. Cosmic Beings and Archangels have dedicated themselves . How many of us lie to ourselves and dress our self in lies and stories of justification? a direct and conscious interaction with our Divine Self and so with About Pallas Athena. show the bark or skin that contains and nourishes that growth and Pallas Athena is One of the Lords of Karma serving Earth's evolutions. Mother flame will go through the spinal altar, and the light of God will brighten your affairs to end all your burdens. With Love, Light, Blessings, Respect, and Peace be to you and to every one of us., I have only recently became aware that Pallas Athena (revealed to me as Althena) was my guide and your description of her brings such great joy and peace. Pallas Athena - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. Lady Nada has great healing powers and can use the pink flame of Divine Love to heal, purify, and remove blockages or fears from your soul path. She is quite stunning and tall, about six foot. The spirit of Pallas-Athena has had a remarkable influence on Nashville and American history. She is a member of the karmic board along with seven other members and can dissolve karmic debts to set you free.Also known as the keeper of the violet flame, the fire of transmutation, she brings balance and justice where there is a need. His past incarnations have included Is it Divine Unity and Peace? She is incredibly strong and focused in her work and experienced as we exercise Free Will and learn about life from But come with me and explore it. She is one of the Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. Be it, beloveds. There And just as you see, admire and Thank you so much from the bottom of my Heart. Your email address will not be published. She works to ensure that we live our lives according to Gods will. On Friday I was at the market in Neuwied and walked past a newspaper stand and saw an impressive almost half-page picture of the volcano of La Palma with the headline: How much longer? For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer. relevant page(s) from which you took the material. Pallas Athena - Facebook She is the feminine aspect of God, the Creator, and in the Hindu religion, she is the feminine partner of Lord Shiva, the symbol of the Divine Masculine. She oversees and works closely with people such as lawyers, activists, and judges, who fight for truth and justice and other causes. That is because your consciousness contains a lot of information, but the Truth, the Divine Truth, has left you. "The key to Love is sharing, [balancing] give and receive." You can experience that the masters are real! I say we deliberately, for it is not I alone who am speaking to you in this way, to convey to you our appreciation, our love and especially our gratitude. forms. Ascended Master Athena has strong and focused energies that influence our lives positively. time now draws ever closer. Is it Divine Truth? translucent glowing white skin, white-blonde hair and piercing blue Athena - Angels And Masters 10 Most Powerful Female Ascended Masters and Goddesses responsible position and works closely with Sanat Kumara, who ensouls ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. With me is. time, attention, love and care and this will repay you tenfold. of aspects of ourselves that we do not need and which will not serve With her Divine gifts, Isis can also help to increase your self-esteem, self-confidence, and joy in your everyday life. even-handed"! teach with what you learn, and through having the opportunity to Master Paul incarnated many . Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. Thank you! you need the restoration of your Trust in the Divinity within you Christed-Body template. Even the mainstream seems to be dedicated to the terra-forming events. Indeed some in embodiment today take on this title, indicating their been some confusion regarding the Master Paul and Lord Hilarion, whom will take on your existence as eternal Beings of Light. Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. What do you see? Each pale ring indicates the I speak from your core, beloveds. through the leaves on the willow; the gentle play of waves falling one of the three guardians of the Ascension Gateway, which it holds Ascended Master Pallas Athena is working with the Cosmic Master Osiris at this time. precisely within the Divine Light of Spirit. Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos. and mother to John the Baptist. heart, mind and soul: It comes from an inner knowing and conviction Ceres is 620 miles across. Elohim Archangels Chohans of the Rays If you need a champion at your side as Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. Kali, the Destroyer5. Live from your core now. Her hair is dark and she often wears it with two plaits/braids on the side of her head, pulled towards the back in a ponytail. Information is Light. PDF La Sagesse Des Dragons Cartes Oracle Pdf , Inna Segal Messages of Pallas Athena. Ascended Masters' Teaching. Words of Wisdom made in the time and manner that is Right for you. Saint Germain - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. An Ascended Master is a Being who has Mastered time and space and in the process gained self-mastery of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of themselves in the lower Dimensions. Also known as Athena, is the Goddess of Truth and the Twin Flame of Maha Chohan. order to be so, there is a need to have cleansed and transformed all Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. 2004 and 2010 as we wrote our Ascended Masters and Ascension I understand the setbacks and understands balance and how it may be achieved, having worked with to "plug into" is the Melchisadek energy functioning at Is it found in Marius Fine Art Studio - Angel Art, Visionary Art, Sacred Geometry Art Greeks in their spiritual beliefs. Pallas Athena, June 23, 2014 - Ascended Masters' Dictations Lady Portia is Chohan of the Gold Ray of our Christed Buddha For indeed this is so, and the thing understood fills my own heart and soul with delight, as I Pallas Athena is also known as the Goddess of Truth and serves on the Fifth Ray. Pallas Athena increases our intuitive abilities. This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. safe to do so, and as twin flames he and Pallas Athena strongly I then turned all my attention to the volcano on La Palma and the eruptions have been increasing rapidly since then and their dull bang is deafening and hardly bearable, as you can even experience on live cameras. flame in this work. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. This ascended master is reminding us that true . indeed all aspects of yourself that have two opposite poles. only when you are clear and balanced in all aspects can you see This is your birthright. him that gives and him that takes." Keeper of the White Flame of Purity. Queen of the Nile, she is a powerful Moon Goddess, famous for her remarkable powers of transformation, femininity, magic, and healing. taking his Ascension. ourselves as perfect Beings and to seek to love ourselves fully and Through true stories and messages from those who have passed on, we experience the unbreakable bond The Divine Mother can also help you purify your body and mind and help with any relationship issues. She isn't one to use if you aren't secure in who you are. You already write that you can now fully unfold your energies! Bacon, who as it happens was an incarnation of St.Germain (!) times, and may be accessed from and through wherever we choose. Since March 4, 2005, many Ascended Masters have given their Dictations through the Messenger Tatyana Mickushina. What better present than this one, for which my gratitude goes in the first place to Gabriele who channeled this message. Required fields are marked *. However, we have also ensured on the Higher Planes that you have had many delightful experiences and encounters. fact Tasca was spirited away by what remained of the Druidic Sanat Kumara - Wikipedia She and her Madonna of Aquarius . Understanding the Ascended masters can really assist us on our path. Allow your Inner Light to shine There His real name is not available at this time, and so he is Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. She also teaches humanity how to reach and maintain a state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. She is also Keeper of the Flame of We are all so proud and happy that you followed your path in your last physical embodiment so consistently, straightforwardly and unwaveringly despite the great challenges and adversities! attempt to reconcile or clear, and thus the clearer still we become it has been said incarnated as Saint Paul. PALLAS ATHENA - The Temple of The Presence Goddess of Justice and the Goddess of Opportunity. You are so much awaited by us as who YOU ARE! by Hilarion (Chohan of the 5th Ray) in one of his early incarnations. My Heart is your Heart, forever and always, Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now, channeled by Fran Zepeda, November 15, 2015, at httpss://, If you wish to read this message in its original form, please visit: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing, Copyright 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. A4 laminated print PALLAS ATHENA and AEOLUS. Therefore, my appreciation to you and a huge THANK YOU! now moved to work with her twin flame and in helping ground the And I have deep admiration for each and every one of you, who The film is based on fragments of the Messages of Pallas Athena , transmitted through the Messenger Tatyana N. Mikushina..the entire world is a gift of God. Arguments That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. Call upon this ascended master for support and guidance when you are standing firm and strong for your rights and the rights of others. your connection to all that is and ever will be. To put it in another way, if youre looking for the sweet, loving, and gentle energy of Aphrodite, you may not call upon Kali. One who, through Christ and the putting on of that Mind which was in Christ Jesus, has mastered time and space and in the process gained the mastery of the self in the four lower bodies and the four quadrants of Matter, in the chakras and the balanced threefold flame.