Primo Water Dispenser Thermostat Location, North Attleboro Recent Obituaries, Dr Romantic Yoon Seo Jung Father, Articles L

This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 4 hours. G-PICU worked alongside SONeT to transfer a patient to the South in just 17mins. Medic54 were called to a burns incident at 5.28am and on scene at 5.41am. Helimed53 were called to attend a trauma at 16.24pm and were on scene at 16.43pm. Attended patient in cardiac arrest. Helimed53 attended a fall at 12.51pm and were on scene at 13.01pm. Left with other service for further care. Patient assessed with EMAS and conveyed with TAAS to hospital for continued care. Improved with treatment and left with other services for continued care. Medic53 received a call to an RTC at 22.12am and were on scene at 22.32am. Medic54 were called to a fall at 15.30pm and on scene at 15.55pm. Patients assessed by TAAS but no life-threatening injuries identified. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 11.48am and on scene at 11.55am. Medic54 were called to a fall at 3.30am and on scene at 3.43am. Attended patient in cardiac arrest and assisted WMAS with resuscitation efforts before conveying to hospital by land ambulance. Helimed53 attended an RTC at 9.00am and were on scene at 9.22am. TAAS anaesthetised and escorted to hospital by land ambulance for further care. Helimed54 were tasked to a sporting incident at 13.11pm and on scene at 13.26pm. Left with EMAS to transport patient to hospital for further care. Assessed patient with abnormal breaking before handing over to the ambulance crew for transport to hospital. Assessed and treated patient in cardiac arrest. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 6.21pm and were on scene at 6.40pm. Helimed53 were called to attend a fall at 18.35pm and were on scene at 18.50pm. Assessed patient who was involved in low speed RTC and sustained suspected head injury. Medic53 were called to a medical incident at 21.39pm and on scene at 22.00pm. Critical care delivered and flown to hospital. Helimed53 were tasked to a medical incident at 14.05pm and on scene at 14.13pm. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 17.46pm and on scene at 18.05pm. Medic54 were called to a fall at 2.10am, on scene at 2.30am. Patient involved in collision was in cardiac arrest and given pre-hospital anaesthetic before being flown to hospital for further care. Medic54 were tasked to an RTC at 5.20am and were on scene at 5.44am. Assisted EMAS and conveyed patient to hospital by road. G-PICU worked alongside NEST to transfer a patient from the South to a specialist hospital in 1hr 7mins. Assisted EMAS crew with life support and escorted patient to hospital. Left with EMAS for further care. Attended an unexpected birth and assisted with breathing before conveying to hospital by land ambulance. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 12.59pm and on scene at 13.12pm. Medic53 were tasked to a fall at 00.30am and on scene at 01.02am. Tasked to assess a patient who'd suffered burns. Medic54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 1.33am and were on scene at 2.00am. Assisted with analgesia before leaving with other service for further treatment. Medic53 were tasked to a fall at 06.08 and were on scene at 06.42. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 18.35pm and on scene at 18.49pm. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 6.35pm and were on scene 6.50pm. Our #TheCrew mascot, Blade, and his side-kick, Peggy are now in toy form. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 1hr 45mins. Medic53 were called to a fall at 1.24am and on scene at 1.49am. Administered advanced analgesia to patient before conveying by land to hospital. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by helicopter. Assisted and assessed patient involved in RTC. Helimed54 were called to attend a fall at 8.15am and were on scene at 8.50m. G-NICU crew worked with clinical partner team SONET in the South to transfer a patient, in an incubator, in just 11mins. Patient was assessed after falling and suffering head injury before being left with other services for further care. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 6.08am and on scene at 6.27am. Ambulance crew called for support following patient fitting. TAAS assisted with extrication, treatment and conveyed patient to hospital by helicopter for further care. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 13.36pm and on scene 14.00pm. HM54 Crew supported ambulance service and accompanied to hospital by land ambulance. Medic54 were called to attend an assault at 3.33am and were on scene at 3.57am. No serious injury requiring further support from TAAS and left with other service. Attended patient with severe bleeding following DIY incident. Helimed54 were tasked to a sporting incident at 13.21pm and on scene at 13.38pm. Helimed54 tasked to a fall at 15.43pm and on scene at 16.33pm. Helped extricate patient involved in serious collision. Attended and assessed a patient who had a fall. Assessed patient who had fallen from cycle who was in and out of consciousness before conveying to hospital by land ambulance for further care. Helimed53 were tasked to an RTC at 14.11pm and on scene 14.30pm. Attended patient comatose following cardiac arrest. Conveyed with TAAS to hospital by land ambulance. Patient suffered fractured leg and was sedated to reduce fractures before being conveyed to hospital. The same journey by road would have taken more than 1hr 20mins. Attended a young patient who had an accident on quad bike. Medic53 were called to an incident at 3.15am and on scene at 3.32am. Assessed young patient on scene who was conveyed by land to hospital for further care. Attended a patient who has fallen down stairs and sustained significant traumatic injuries. Helimed54 was tasked to an RTC at 14.32pm and on scene at 14.48pm. Patient collapsed from a cardiac arrest and helped by family before the intervention of paramedics and critical care team. Resuscitated on scene and escorted with TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed53 were called to attend a medical incident at 12.27pm and were on scene at 12.38pm. Was conveyed to hospital with TAAS for further care. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 15.10pm and were on scene at 15.25pm. Patient had fallen from horse where analgesia was given on scene and our crew escorted them to hospital via land ambulance. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 14.48pm and on scene at 15.06pm. Medic54 were tasked to a trauma incident at 22.22 and were on scene at 22.36. Helimed53 were called to a sporting incident at 14.12pm and on scene at 14.34pm. Medic54 were tasked to a sporting incident at 18.07pm and on scene at 18.40pm. Patient had fallen down stairs sustaining a leg injury which required manipulation prior to transport. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 17:31pm and were on scene at 17:41pm. Medic54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 20.05pm and were on scene at 20.33pm. G-TCAA worked to transfer clinical partner team SONeT from the South in just 21mins. Conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance to hospital for further care. The patient required critical care by our team and was then flown to hospital. The same journey by land ambulance would have taken 2hrs and 38mins. Helimed53 received a call to a trauma incident at 10.57am and were on scene at 11.09am. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 14.09pm and on scene at 14.22pm. Medic53 received a call to an RTC at 17.32pm and arrived on scene at 18.17pm. Medic53 were tasked to a RTC at 17.35pm and on scene at 17.52pm. Working alongside WMAS, the patient was assessed and left with the WMAS crew. Medic53 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 12.48pm and were on scene at 12.58pm. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 15.20pm and on scene at 15.36pm. Resuscitated by WMAS crew, then anaesthetised on scene by TAAS before being taken to hospital. EMAS conveyed to hospital for further care. The crew anaesthetised the patient who'd sustained significant injuries and then conveyed the patient to hospital by land. Medic54 received a call to an incident at 1.29am and were on scene at 2.00am. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 3hrs. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 2.59am and on scene at 3.10am. Patient sustained head injuries and was conveyed with TAAS to hospital by land ambulance. Patient was sedated and transferred to hospital by land ambulance. Landing in a field, the crew worked alongside EMAS, Police and Fire services to assess and treat a trapped patient. Assessed the patient who had suffered a brain haemorrhage, rapid sequence intubation before conveying to hospital with TAAS via land ambulance. Cyclist injured in a fall from bike and transferred by helicopter with TAAS for further care. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 09:40 and were on scene at 09:49. Medic53 were called to a fall at 00.52am and on scene at 1.16am. Left with other service for further care. Medic53 were called to a fall at 22.49pm and on scene at 23.23pm. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 7.48am and on scene at 8.15am. Medic54 were called to an industrial incident at 15.29pm and on scene at 15.42pm. Attended patient in cardiac arrest who was successfully resuscitated and escorted by land to hospital for further care. Patient had sustained serious injuries and was conveyed by land to hospital. Assisted EMAS with the assessment and treatment of a patient involved in collision. Medic54 were tasked to an incident at 04:32 and were on scene at 04:46. Medic54 were called to attend a medical incident at 4.04am and were on scene at 4.14am. Helimed54 were called to attend a medical incident at 4.49am and were on scene at 5.25am. Helimed53 were called to attend a medical incident at 8.16am and were on scene at 8.29am. Patient sedated and treated on scene by our DLR critical care team, who then ground assisted them via land ambulance to hospital. Attended a patient who had sustained a hand injury. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 3hrs. Attended single vehicle RTC where patient had sustained multiple injuries. Medic53 received a call to an RTC at 19.52pm and were on scene at 20.10pm. The East Midlands Ambulance Service provides urgent care and patient transport across Lincolnshire, as well as Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Rutland and parts of Derbyshire. Helimed54 were tasked to a fall at 16.14pm and on scene 16.47pm. Attended patient crushed by a trailer. Patient was cyclist who was treated on scene and handed over to EMAS for transfer to hospital for further care. Critical care delivered and patient conveyed with TAAS by land to hospital for further care. Patient required advanced analgesia before being transferred to hospital by land. Your Local Air Ambulance WNDLR. Resuscitated by EMAS and supported by TAAS in ongoing management and conveyed to hospital. The crew treated a patient in cardiac arrest, initially assisted by the public and a defibrillator, before transferring to hospital by land. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 12.55pm and on scene at 13.14pm. Attended patient injured playing rugby. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by helicopter for further care. Anaesthesia given on scene before being flown by TAAS to hospital for further care. Attended patient who had suffered cardiac arrest. Medic54 were called to a medical incident at 1.46am and on scene at 2.03am. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 6.15am and on scene at 6.34am. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 00.23am and were on scene at 00.32am. Patient was treated and ground assisted to hospital. The crew assisted EMAS to resuscitate patient who left with them for further care, Helimed53 was tasked to an RTC at 08.05am and on scene at 08.22am. Our crew worked alongside clinical partner team SONET to safely transfer a patient in just 9mins. 2 car collision where one patient was escorted to hospital by land ambulance for further care. Assisted and resuscitated on scene before conveying to hospital with TAAS for further care. G-TCAA worked alongside CATS to transfer a patient from one end of the country to the other, in just 29 minutes. Patient was a motorcyclist who had suffered limb injuries and was assessed before being left with other services. Attended patient in cardiac arrest. Medic54 tasked to an RTC at 22.20pm and on scene at 22.44pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 4 hours. Medic54 were called to a fall at 18.33pm and on scene at 18.48pm. Patient was treated by our crew and then handed over to East Midlands Ambulance Service. Helimed53 were tasked to a fall at 15.39pm and on scene at 15.56pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 4hrs. All had minor injuries so were treated and handed over to crew. The crew assessed the patient before conveying the patient to hospital via land ambulance. Left with other services to transport to hospital for further care. Patient had fallen from horse and sustained minor leg injury. Medic54 received a call to an RTC between a car and cyclist at 16.13pm and were on scene at 16.32pm. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by helicopter for further care. Patient left with EMAS for transfer to hospital.