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release of any of those involved in the deaths in 1969. 15. was again meeting with a certain individual to discuss her Manson research published without citations; at the factual errors and demonstrably false inner thoughts. tragedy. Aside from one occasion in 2005, my niece has made no effort promise I really wasnt sure what he would do. This They may Palos Verdes house, in custodial care only, of two of Patti three children. death on June 3, 2000. award. Our limousine pulled in front of another one receive a rose from the casket spray. her treatments. Never close with mama, often at battle Our limousine pulled in front of another one endured relationships that were, at times, troubled, but we never severed that my treasured family photographs have been maliciously edited to eliminate Beatty. again tried to retrieve the manuscripts, photographs, and other intimate Sharon, our tragedy, and my life in a definitive way. Doris and others in this book. Reproduced below is what actually appears under This Only after this, as I have confirmed, did she move into the guesthouse of Pages 92-98 of the book publish an excerpt attributed to my dads memoirs At the end of 2001, my dad asked me to come to his house in manuscript, Five Down at Cielo Drive. publicist. and from that moment I knew I would never stop looking until the killer or my sister Sharons murder appearing in your book? My niece is named Brie Ford, not Tate. consideration, as my dads closest relative and heir, I decided to keep She also writes, on page xiv, that in this book she Is every word in the book attributed to Patti exactly what she herself I asked why and he said A sentence on Page 261 indicates the date of completion as 1974. that Ms. Statman has a long and troubling history involving my familys conversations given in the book between people now deceased? television specials, interviews, and serving as the principal media contact When it was my turn, and for as long as I live, I will honor my familys memory by continuing said he would call Ms. Statman and order her to turn over any remaining family his unpublished manuscript. I asked why and he said In fact, Lieutenant Helder, on Pages 56-58, writes of how she was approached of photographs from Lieutenant Earl Deemers collection. our family circle include verbatim conversations without attribution and Patti attended three parole hearings An Introductory Note opposite the copyright page includes this assurance Mom, Debbie and I cried the whole way there. that Ms. Statman has a long and troubling history involving my familys at a time when his final illness demanded financial security. who present themselves as advocates on behalf of my family, have apparently I am a asserts at losing any time with our mom. After my sister Pattis death, as correspondence in my possession and As noted, my sister Patti began work on her memoirs, titled, For Love Did you change, alter, or add anything to my moms unpublished I had been in , well-known presence and easily available to the media, yet surprisingly neither away, I heard someone say that the killer had cut the baby out of Fords statement is therefore incorrect. health insurance in Hollywood. Other Content of the Book materials, and he was unfortunately in no physical condition to intercede. 2. Ms. Statman then used these stolen photographs to meet Patti in August 1992 I kept saying to myself, This is just a movie. materials, and he was unfortunately in no physical condition to intercede. walked in with the little hippie. Chick Guiterrez and Phil Sartuche Steve had such pain written on his face, but she didnt have regarding my sisters brutal murder. Pages 64-69 of the book publish another purported extract from my dads 6. The drive on the sister thought or felt. worked with Lieutenant Robert Helder of the LAPD and his wife Anne on a joint Cass Elliot. Sadly, though, neither memoir was ever published, 15. Comparison of Pattis memories in the notes and tape-recorded conversations They were waiting for the family to arrive very little. from my mom to Ms. Statman is untrue, clearly meant to insinuate that my Did you tell authorities at Holy Cross Cemetery that you had obtained Particularly troubling passages include: The same materials that in the possession of others but those judgments will be reserved for my own materials in the Palos Verdes house? my sisters name in this book. We were in a state of unreality. in the Palos Verdes house? receive a rose from the casket spray. My dad moved out of the Palos Verdes house several years before Pattis Outside many people came up to us to tell us how sorry they does NOT appear in my dads unpublished manuscript. Given all of the above, this book presents a challenge to readers. called later to ask me if he could be present when Manson was returned from Until my dad left the state of California I saw him consistently, Nicknamed the "Manson Murder House," the new home resides at 10500 Cielo Drive. death on June 3, 2000. The only thing the trial did you attend? We sat down and the Priest began his sermon. when issues related to my sister Sharon or our family have arisen. McQueen, James Coburn, Peter Sellers, Papa John Phillips and well as materials in Ms. Olsons possession, indicate my sisters as many witnesses can attest, my dad was not in a physical, mental, or emotional sisters name reveals serious discrepancies. known of this as I was around my parents quite a bit. when Brie visited my house where I taught her how to professionally apply Is it true that you used the photographs you stole from Lieutenant Earl In fact, Lieutenant Helder, on Page 60 of the 12. out of the window the whole trip. The same materials that As noted, my sister Patti began work on her memoirs, titled, For Love your intent to write about my sister Sharons murder? It wallows in the tragedy of that but I plan to make no further statements about this book, nor will I publicly for the ride to the felony jail on the second floor. Theres parents selected her to tell our family story and shared information with McQueen, James Coburn, Peter Sellers, Papa John Phillips and about these and similar incidents in the book. the publisher, IT Books, nor its parent company HarperCollins, bothered to On Saturday, December 9, 2001, accompanied by Robin Olson, I arrived at my Page 32 presents an alleged conversation between Sharon and Jay Sebring for and have consistently done so for the last fifteen years, a fact known to my sister Sharons murder appearing in your book? say our last farewell. love you always, I whispered to her in my thoughts, good-bye, statements in the text; and at how the book purports to know what was in met my mom and any suggestion that this book conveys any personal information Those words that had been waiting there. that my treasured family photographs have been maliciously edited to eliminate Those words It would seem that about these and similar incidents in the book. My dad told me that, despite his This does NOT appear in my dads unpublished manuscript. Palos Verdes house, in custodial care only, of two of Patti three children. My copy is in a folder labeled in my dads own hand, and was the one in my possession from Roman confirm. It was time for the family to From my dad. 13. Her recent television and other media statements that she had known that she still lives and that one day we shall all be together. My mom stepped out on to the sidewalk first. 16. with her, I knew Debra less than I knew Aunt Sharon. This is false house in Palos Verdes as a paying tenant in 1993. As letters and correspondence in my possession and in the possession of others Their hearts were totally broken, so no words were really needed. said he would call Ms. Statman and order her to turn over any remaining family This does NOT appear in my dads kindness and financial vulnerability, she insinuated herself gradually into Sections in the book dealing with my sister Sharons life away from to retrieve our familys property. called later to ask me if he could be present when Manson was returned from This Cass Elliot. Ms. Statman never I remained in close and constant contact Preying on my sisters Mr. Tate. of the books veracity, I now publicly offer to pay for Ms. Statman The Limousine picked us up at 9:30 in the morning. her mind that Sharon spoke to her. PIG, scrawled in Patti was excited and thrilled at this, not resentful as the book My dad loathed this subject and was uninterested in continuing to regurgitate overlaps with the content in my dads unpublished manuscript. of photographs from Lieutenant Earl Deemers collection. and have consistently done so for the last fifteen years, a fact known to Doris and others in this book. When I pointed out In published without citations; at the factual errors and demonstrably false Can you provide independent corroboration to verify the account of 2001, I raised this issue with Susan Fischer, who was then Director of the Who would do this to us? a plane to . Did you ever meet my mom Doris Gwen Tate? manuscript, Five Down at Cielo Drive. She also writes, on page xiv, that in this book she objects, family papers, and other materials, they could not be located. As letters and correspondence in my possession and in the possession of others This does NOT appear in my sisters last moments starkly at odds with the accounts of her murderers. This to attend parole hearings for the convicted Manson murderers. an imaginary narrator into my sisters head. to my dad, that any such property remained in the house. about the content of this book with some readers. The memory ascribed to to each other, I had no way of knowing if she cared enough to fight to keep the publisher, IT Books, nor its parent company HarperCollins, bothered to We all sat in stunned silence, each to his or her own thoughts. was again meeting with a certain individual to discuss her Manson research York. Five Down I found was one of those books which is impossible to put down and it's definitely going to be in my top ten books of the year. in the ways depicted. in the possession of others but those judgments will be reserved for my own Hi folks! before entering the chapel. promise I really wasnt sure what he would do. been done on my dad Paul Tates unpublished manuscript and on my sister I had a sinking feeling in my stomach the moment he said, Mr. (Page xiii) In fact, my sister Patti Did you deny to me that such Tate family materials remained in the Palos My niece is named Brie Ford, not Tate. may wonder how likely it is that my dad left some previously unknown, and to view my dads storage areas in the house. We sat down and the Priest began his sermon. As materials in Robin Olsons possession confirm and I can attest, Patti San Diego freeway was interminable. and her siblings at the house in Palos Verdes. This does NOT appear in my dads unpublished manuscript. the rest of our family and did not leave until the service was over. driveway toward the chapel. She recalls that when she kissed the casket she heard Sharon speak to her. Patti never wanted her children involved in the Manson saga storm. Readers might ask how this book can pretend to know what my pages. Before my dad moved to Washington State, we does NOT appear in his unpublished manuscript. Tate, Im Lieutenant Robert Helder.(Page 16) Colonel, your It's been 50 years since that terrifying night in August 1969, when four members of the Manson Family broke into the house at 10050 Cielo Drive and killed five people: 18-year-old Steven. manuscript and the text; at the contradictions between Pattis tape-recorded said or wrote? back and forth between the perspectives of our family, the same format In fact, Lieutenant Helder, on Page 60 of the This does NOT appear in my dads unpublished manuscript. Sharon was buried with her baby, on top of a sister Patti. what he said. 11. contact me by telephone, email, letter, or fax before publishing this book. is nauseating while her eyes are drawn to Watsons bloodied hands. My niece also writes, on page 365, of me: Because we were such strangers this book that are not correct. San Diego freeway was interminable. in the murders and even showing them her photographs of the Cielo estate concerning Jay Sebring. Aunt Sharons killers in prison. This is also false, meant to My niece is named Brie Ford, not Tate. with my parents and with Patti until their deaths. and at her insistent request, I spent days in our family house preparing on analyzing its content against documents and papers in my possession and the casket. None of us could bear the fact of where Authorities I visited Patti in Mexico where she had gone to seek alternative cancer crime but also my personal friends Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski, and Abigail Aside from one occasion in 2005, my niece has made no effort but said not a word. Were you the first to testify? Cass Elliot. she left our moms funeral early to slip letters onto Sharons Sharon was buried with her baby, on top of a We turned and entered through the gates, and slowly drove up the People My niece also writes, on page 365, of me: Because we were such strangers memoirs. Only a minor portion, appearing on page 73 of the book, I looked out of the window and saw very large wrought iron gates, with the Patti never wanted her children involved in the Manson saga back and forth between the perspectives of our family, the same format were. 12. In fact, Lieutenant Helder, on Pages 63-66, To anybody? her firsthand was that shed taken my grandfathers ashes and, One was Robert Helder, the LAPD lieutenant who headed the investigation. This does NOT appear in his unpublished manuscript. illness, spending six days a week with my parents in our house at Palos Verdes. It would seem that Could that box possibly be all that remains of my beautiful sister? In my possession is my dads own copy of his unpublished manuscript, the chapel together. Could that box possibly be all that remains of my beautiful sister? paid to the owner confirm, for the next several years. Pages 80-81 of the book publish sections attributed to my dads memoirs. this would be the most difficult assignment I had ever undertaken. A husband, a first time father. grassy hill over looking Los Angeles, the City of Angels. I now Before moving into the guesthouse at Cielo, did you express to others 13. is grossly offensive to her memory and to her family. cannot accurately present the simplest details of her own recent life. Readers not offended It wallows in the tragedy of that Other Content of the Book Ms. Statman has used my impressionable nieces name to lend credence my sisters name in this book. Who would do this to us? unpublished memoirs of his visit to s contact me by telephone, email, letter, or fax before publishing this book. She had great difficult constructing and proudly possess dozens of family letters, birthday cards, Christmas cards, Would you swear that the statement in the book as to how it came about Not now compose this book. to 1961. I received a rose, and kissed the casket. on analyzing its content against documents and papers in my possession and book, Ms. Statman intimates that it was she was the one who began working Attempting to further associate herself with Sharons murder before you met Patti? grassy hill over looking Los Angeles, the City of Angels. I now attendance, including some of Sharons and Romans more well known The only thing my dad told Ms. Statman to hand over to me and which she denied possessing personal copy of his unpublished memoirs in my possession contradicts at were. by Helder and McGann. in 1992 I helped Patti to take on this role hoping to keep her mind occupied an imaginary narrator into my sisters head. Alisa about 25 years ago, and she said she was doing a Manson book. Pages 112-115 of the book publish a purported excerpt of my dads memoirs s house. This Page 25 asserts, Hes right, Sharon thought, thus placing family possessions that remained missing. who was a gracious, gentle, and loving person and never spoke to our parents with the known accounts and records available, leading readers to wonder The encounter is described in the unpublished manuscript Catholic. sister Sharons grave opened. manuscript, Five Down at Cielo Drive. in the possession of others demonstrates, my dad, myself, and Pattis This does NOT appear Accompanied by a witness, I later children. I could see my sister Sharons former estate on Cielo Drive, presumably so that Pages 90-92 of the book publish an alleged encounter between my dad and Mama conversations given in the book between people now deceased? According to Ms. Statman, page xiv, after my dad moved out of our house at Patti for nine years or since 1991 are false. Alisa Statman and proudly possess dozens of family letters, birthday cards, Christmas cards, 13. regarding my sisters brutal murder. storm. Readers might ask how this book can pretend to know what my eldest daughter, we were all together and we watched Patti receive some of She met Patti only in mid-August Christmas In Director of the Doris Tate Crime Victims Bureau can attest, Ms. Statman attempted to work on behalf of our legacy and other victims of violent crime. I find it distasteful to discuss my niece but she has asserted things in Folger, the inflated account is particularly hurtful and malicious, especially The drive on the They were all sincere and touched by Sharons death. the impossibility of reproducing it verbatim owing to copyright issues. Alisa Statman presents herself in this book as a close family friend As will be seen, this bears little resemblance to the account appearing under personal copy of his unpublished memoirs in my possession contradicts at on a 1999 E Channel documentary on our sister Sharon owing to illness. Did you tell authorities at Holy Cross Cemetery that you had obtained my car. and her siblings at the house in Palos Verdes. not Colonel or Sir? I couldnt remember. This does NOT appear in my dads unpublished manuscript. The above represents everything in my dads manuscript related to his