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History. A very good friend of mine that smoked pipe since his youth in the 1930's passed away a couple of years ago. Related products. Balkan Sobranie Products - Cup O' Joes It was, at that later time, a more piquant, far more acrid blend with other orientals added. The smell of the tobacco was very moist and incredible, unlike any other brand save for a few English blends that I had experienced. Perhaps all of the above. Too bad I was too young to try it when fresh and available. I bended my own Balkan Sobrane Original Mixture with these 6 top of the line tobaccos: Wellauers- Latakia .Which is true Syrian Latakia (The real thing)I had five tins sent from Tabac Rhein in Switzerland. My favorite came with a black label and I think it was called Mixture #759. The more recent version, however, was absolutely disgusting. Germaine is producing some of the finest tobacco available and this is no exception. Except the lucky few. apparently admissible under the non- adulteration laws at the time, which prohibited all topping but did permit Cavendish. Balkan Sobranie 759 Match | Very HIGHLY recommended. This tobacco burns well and packs soundly in all of my pipes. And when it is gone, I will miss it. Never had the chance to try this one, because It's never in stock, I use to check it here every day for a year, I gave up. I think it's both over-hyped and well deserved. Note: It is easy to go overboard with the Syrian (The stuff is so delicious! The magic of the sensory delight linked to the focus of imagination. The strength is in the center of mild to medium. Rating?I can't smoke it "all the time", due to supply?however, this is a "Four Star Blend". Russia and settled for some time in the Balkans. Curisoty and the words of that tobacconist, got the better of me when I saw an unopened tin from the sixties on Ebay. Over the past few days, I've had Gaslight, Plum Pudding, Balkan Sasieni, White Knight, Sextant. My humble recommendation: Try the Sobranie or Sasieni in larger pipes that have been broken in with other "Englishes"?.These blends are a treat, and relights are uniquely satisfying. I just opened a 200 gram gold foil bag of the three remaining I purchased in 1967. Specifically, the yenidje! balkan sobranie cigarettes 10 to a white tin (Old style) I see why this blend commands a premium. 'But none' have even come mildly close in anyway-as far as I am concerned. Germain's Balkan Sobranie is a fantastic Balkan mixture. A cool and long-lasting smoke. Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture Pipe Tobacco Tin Item# 1101 $21.95 The English mixture's Virginia tobaccos mellow the Latakia, while Oriental and Cavendish leaves add balance and a "round" flavor. I left out room note as I lived alone at that time. Legendary. Has a rich experience for me and this tobacco was a unique in months because even when stored for so long, still provided good smoked, full of flavor. Afterwards, it loaded nicely and lit without trouble. )which would make this more of an english blend than a Balkan. It is however, most complex and rich tasting, with a very unique nasal almost heady quality which I really enjoy; different than nicotine. What to compare it to? Don't see something you want? The very grassy, citrusy, barely dark fruity and earthy Virginias have little of the complexity it once had, and theres more of here than before. The sample I got was aged, obviously. This blend is the "BESTEST" tasting blend ever! Digging my memories I still remember the great surprise I received from this incredible, incense-like, perfume. I've always been curious about which type of Latakia was used maybe both? Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Original Mix Match Pipe Tobacco But 18 months ago the blend changed and was but a shadow of its former self, a truly dark day had dawned. Pipe Manufacturer & Retailer Spotlight | This stuff tasted so good in fact, it makes me ponder; How does a tobacco blend that tastes this good, be made without a topping or flavor additive? It was cheaper, and it had the stronger flavor I liked without being Galoises(sp?). I have several cans of each stashed away, based on the raving advice of a friend and colleague. At a benefit concert at Town Hall in NYC in the 1960's, I watched Thelonius Monk shambling onto stage with a pipe in his mouth and a can of Sobranie in his hand, which can he proceeded to place on the piano before starting to play. This stuff tasted so good in fact, it makes me ponder; How does a tobacco blend that tastes this good, be made without a topping or flavor additive? I always try new tobacco with completely dry pipe 3 or 4 days without being smoked, and then I dedicate that pipe to that tin for the duration of said tobacco. It's a sweet and smoky treat. At least I find it impossible now to say from the room note alone what Balkan has been smoked, but with Balkan Sobranie there never was any ambiguity. This is my favorite in the old Sobranie line. I like this blend, holp it will be steady supplied. I see why this blend commands a premium. Personally I've never smoked that real old version and I think there was not so much wrong with the pouch version. J. F. Germain & Son - Balkan Sobranie 1.76 oz Tin - CDM Cigars Not everyone appreciated the room aroma. I love orientals, latakias, and Virginias, but burley gives me some trouble. It's similar to Sasieni, just the balance of the blend is more harmonious. As for flavorits ok. Rewarding to smoke. There were many very nice old Dunhill and GBD pipes along with about 50 odd assorted tins of aged tobacco. Ill post a screenshot of the tin as its listed on the site. An elderly and dear gentleman who resides on my street, was gracious enough to give me a couple of tins for Christmas. . It is quite close to the original Sobranie, although like Balkan Sasieni it uses generic oriental rather than Yenidje. That's a pretty swell deal, but I enjoy Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Original Mix Match even more than the "genuine article." Unfortunately, the versions I've tried ranged from "decent but unspectacular" to "horrible." Balkan Sobranie literally was Our Best Blend at that time. More's that pity that it is now defunct. Man oh man oh man! The finish is cool and dry. Wow. Balkan Sobranie Pipe Tobacco The smoky latakia was always there, but kind of pushed into the background by the orientals. It only was a matter of time that someone would want to bring out the legend again. Availability: . People say 965 is the standard to judge English mixtures by. But with the addition of straight cyprus Latakia about 33% seems to do the trick a very palatable smoke can be produced this is my tobacco. This was one of the first pipe-tobaccos that I really enjoyed on all levels, and, naturally, it was the pipe-tobacco everyone else hated. I had no experience with the blend previously but, had tried the others years ago. We used words like ?ephemeral? The light unflavored soda note or two along with some dry wood, earth, floralness from the yenidje is always noticeable. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves little dampness in the bowl. I have found many delicious blends that perfectly match my needs, and I enjoy smoking them as much as I did TBS. The best of the very best. (50 Grams) Its tangy,Smokey and sweet at the same time. No Syrian or Yenidje in it though. Very little hydration needed. I do however know that Latakia loses its edge over time and Virginias mellow down a bit. Balkan Sobranie Germain & Son have experience in "imitating" the House Sobranie products. The brand was originally produced by Sobranie of London in 1920, and became a top-selling brand worldwide. Is it as good as the original? I suppose a classic chapter in pipe-smoking is now closed, although I am sure that lovers of this blend in its heyday would envy us our personal acquaintance with people like, say, G.L. Very neutral aroma that does not disturbs the room. Like probably so many other pipers, I eagerly awaited the opportunity to find this blend in stock and purchase. A dear friend of mine had a family member send this to him from his home land of Spain.Being the gentleman that he is,he gave me a pouch of my own.My only regret is that I'm going through it quickly and that it's no longer being sold in the U.S.This is one blend that lives up to it's reputation as one of the trulyly legendary smokes.Made up of oriental tobaccos,it's smooth and rich and tasty.It's simply wonderful and I'd encourage others to send overseas for a pouch or two of THEIR own. factory. Is this THE Balkan Sobranie? I first got in to this when I was 19. Here this rare feature stretches and completes the finish.For everything else polished and majestic that Balkan Sobranie displays; this is the one virtue that crystallises the experience and it and sets it apart. Are there better bl ends? I remember coming home with a can of Balkan Sobranie. I packed and lit it up. This was sampled from a fairly fresh eight year old, 50g Gallaher's pouch back in 2010; This BSOM makes you reach for that elusive, sweetness with each draw. Recommended. He gives me a pouch of early-90s Sobranie White. Possibly both types of Latakia, maybe some unsweetened Black Cavendish, maybe a "smidgeon" of Deer Tongue or a pinch of Vanilla Cavendish, who knows? SUTLIFF BALKAN SOBRANIE #759 MATCH. JavaScript is disabled. I had heard, and I thought they were exagerated. I still wonder if the dumbest thing I ever did with regards to this hobby was to not buy that second tin. So it was very perplexing when I got tongue bite, tongue bite, tongue bite. This stuff have cool somoke, something light and very rich. I already once said before that I can instantly recognize latakia holding Dunhill tobaccos when I smoke them. A typical English blend, in the vein of Dunhill London Mixture and 965, but more rounded and less full in its taste. The sweetness is there, the smoothness is there, the complexity is impressive, the Latakia is not overwhelming. If I had to choose but one tobacco this would be it. Well, I was not dissapointed. The "Next" Balkan Sobranie is the blend that you and everyone else smoked and enjoyed but you all decided not to purchased in large quantities. Balkan Sobranie Pipe Tobacco (1.76oz) - Hiland's Cigars Balkan Sobranie Pipe Tobacco One of the most sought after pipe tobaccos still produced today, Balkan Sobranie is a Latakia-based blend that even the most dedicated enthusiast often has not been able to try. This is everything I'd hoped for in a Balkan - a much stronger version of Balkan Sasieni, which this is and more. The BS that was available to me in the 1990s could be purchased at just about any tobacconist as well as many chain grocery stores and drug stores. Orders over $95 in US, Safe Payments The smoky, woody, earthy, musty sweet Cyprian Latakia is the lead component. For my next smoke I will prepare a bit better though, I will leave the tobacco to dry for 15 minutes or so and also I will accompany my pipe with a bottle of strong red Argentinian Syrah or Californian Zinfandel, maybe even Croatian Dingac if my wallet allows it. View All Close. The room note is unique. But who could resist, especially after retrieval of an eight ounce can from a ten can rotation, grabbing an immediate smoke? But let us be honest: the incredible variety of mixtures available today and there are a lot of excellent ones offer several perfectly acceptable and enjoyable alternatives for EVERY pipe smoker. Moisture content is great. Alas, the blend changed. The label on the tin is cheap looking and not printed well but I dont care I want whats inside. Had a pleasant, lightly lingering after taste and room note. They also make all the Esotericas. What else can I say about this blend that hasn?t already been said? There are no words to describe this wonderful, fantastic, exciting english mixture. Still nowadays the TBS and the 759 are THE benchmark for all Oriental Mixtures. Borkum Riff Pipe Tobacco Purchased From: Pipestuds Consignment Shop. I smoked the Smoking Mixture for 11 years. Be patient your time will come.. I bewailed the last tin in my Weed Store, sold to an undeserving oik who wanted to try 'Sumfin' new. In the late 70s and 80s I took this mixture for granted and smoked a lot of it and I highly appreciated it until it suddenly disappeared. Be The First To Know About Exclusive Products And Deals! They were definitely not alike. UPDATE February 2004: Ok, in the past 2 years I had the chance to smoke several tins of the old version of Original Mixture, and also of 759. Incense notes abound, the latakia is over the hill though. Now I really hope that Arango and Germain also will bring out Mixture 759 and Virginia no. Most of what you can buy in auctions today is dry to varying degrees, but I'll instantly transfer it to a Mason jar, wet a paper towel with distilled water, lay it over the top, seal the jar, and let it slowly rehydrate. Everything was perfectly balanced and smooth. The 1980's and later versions used Cyprian Latakia which added a little different sweetness to the mix. I was impatient while filling my first bowl straight out of the pack which I later regretted, but I will come to that. As for flavorits ok. My lucky day. Quite frankly, this tobacco is much better than I remembered. The lack of clarity is the fact that the site has two listings for BS [sic] THE B S. If Gary Pease ruled the world you'd all have your pipes confiscated and your palates tested for nerve damage. The quality of the tobacco is very high. It's definitely not worth that kind of price. The taste is medium. Something about the mystique of the name made me click the "favorite" button but, oddly, I never reviewed it. I came to the pipe in the latter part of my smoking career, since I was and still am a cigar enthusiast. After the bowl was done I just turned it upside down and fluffy gray ash came out leaving the bowl clean but to my surprise also leaving some evident drops of water which condensed during smoking but not to the point that intervention would be required. I was young and callous and therefore felt that this blend was very harsh. There are very few aromatics that I like anymore. Just like every other pipe smoker on the planet I really wanted to try this. Initial Flavor: Pungently sweet! Tobacco Type:Latakia, Oriental, Virginia. Stock photos, 360 images, vectors and videos I have been told that Smoker's Haven 'Our Best Blend' is a near-match to the Balkan Sobranie white, and that their Exotique is very similar to the Balkan Sobranie black. The flavors are deep and I really can't do justice in words how great the aroma is, both from the tin and the smoke, just exquisite. I open one of my remaining stock every 10 years and will savor each bowl over the next few months. The flavor becomes more balanced as you get into the first quarter of the bowl. This one gets two stars. It is well blended. The last time I smoked the real Balkan Sobranie Original mixture was in Italy 2004 (still produced but not much distributed then). The tobaccos is a ribbon-cut but something coarser than the pouch version. Balkan Sobranie Pipe Tobacco Tins at I myself reproduced the old artwork (tin and insert-card) and e-mailed that to Arango and Germain. I've never had any version other than Germain's entry and again it's "Junk"! Its available at pipesandcigars. Bright spices highlight carefully layered creamy notes of full creosote and there is an unidentifiable charming "classic" room note surrounding it all.The gravity and power are there too, so it must be respected.Let it brood and let it come in its own time. Very tasty and I feel this blend is one most any pipe smoker would find pleasurable. The 2011 Chicago Pipe Show's "Balkan Sobranie Throwdown" was a competition to see who could produce a blend that most perfectly emulated the revered Balkan mixture. But I have since then tried a very well-kept tin from (I think) the 40s or 50s, which was a little dry (but moistened back up with a small piece of orange peel), inherited by a friend of mine by his late grandfather. Ive got most of the recommended blends here but will have to look into a few of the others. Sutliff: Balkan Sobranie Original Mix Match Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 005-443-0347 Sutliff's Balkan Sobranie Original Mix Match combines sweet Virginias, Latakia, and Macedonian Orientals for a familiar smoke based on the classic, time-honored blend. The perfect aid to peace and contemplation.