It is important to understand that ALL God's saints are called to pray. Was the restriction of unclean foods in the Bible a commandment. Just wondering had a weird experience recently. He runs a major San Francisco travel website, is widely published in both online and print publications and has contributed to several travel guidebooks to South America. And he said, Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream. Your email address will not be published. May they always encourage you! On the other hand, God can still give a message to deliver to someone else in supernatural ways, but whatever word is spoken, it must be in total agreement with the word of God. Major differences between gift of prophecy and office of prophet (a prophet) There are 4 prophetic realms and not every person who prophesies is a prophet Ask God who He created you to be Jesus is Coming Repent Repent Repent Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Previous article God Question to Prophet Owuor Followers Against Me (Vision) He has been featured on various multimedia outlets including Sid Roth's Its Supernatural! In this sense, a seer may be seen as a person . The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. These men of God were Prophets, Seers, Watchmen as was Jesus-Priest, King, Prophet. In summary, a prophet as a teacher of known truth, a seer as a perceiver of hidden truth, a Revelator as a bearer of new truth. And whats the difference between a vision, a picture and a dream? Questions of the Word, and questions of the Elders.Never assume that you know. In ancient Greece, both royalty and the common citizen regularly consulted prophets in order to find answers to questions. He is the visionary leader of Naim Collins Ministries and Fan the Flames Global Ministries based in Wilmington, Delaware. A prophet is one who speaks with the authority of God whereas a seer has the power to foretell events in the future. Hi Kay, Thanks so much for commenting. In summary: A prophet is a teacher of known truth; a seer is a perceiver of hidden truth, a revelator is a bearer of new truth. Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the Lord. This is just what all the other prophets did in the Old Testament; they warned Israels kings and peoples about what was to come to pass. All the colours of the rainbow were released and moved outward from him. Prophet, seer, and revelator - Wikipedia There is an example in the Scripture that reveals the working relationship of prophets (nabi) and seers (raah and chozeh) in ancient Israel and their position and station as Gods official spokespersons: And he [Hezekiah] stationed the Levites in the house of the Lord with cymbals, with stringed instruments, and with harps, according to the commandment of David, of Gad the kings seer [chozeh], and of Nathan the prophet [nabi]; for thus was the commandment of the Lord by His prophets (2 Chronicles 29:25). If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, Let us go after other gods, which you have not known, and let us serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. It will be followed by a time of preparation and equipping that is often many years in length. Know that you knowRight? Its more that each role has an emphasis, a tendency towards one or the other. Am I Less Worthy Not Being From the Tribe of Ephraim? And most of what he said was simply repeating the commandments of God and calling others to repentance. The prophetic and pastoral anointing work hand in hand. This is because the information about future events is coming from God Himself, and He is powerful enough to overcome the limitation of speaking through a fallen, fallible human being. I didnt know until relatively recently, but I have some experience of being a seer. Required fields are marked *. Do Colors Have Special Meaning In The Bible? We have sometimes read or heard the term seer in the Bible and know the more popular term prophet. So, what is the difference between a seer and a prophet, and are these gifts still active today? As mentioned in point 14, above, a prophet-intercessor may be stationed or sent by God to specific places to pray and make prophetic declarations. That could include: vivid dreams, visions, or the ability to see 'in between space.'. Yes and amen! They have x-ray vision; and when someone comes into their presence, they tend to perceive, see, and pick up things in their spirit or spiritual vision regarding that person. That makes sense, but surely thats not much different to a prophet? The roeh aspect is to see prophetic visionthey can see visions of the future. Prophet - Wikipedia Blessings, Tim. As I said at the beginning, theyre the same, but different! Seer vs. Psychic - What's the difference? | Ask Difference Here we can see that the prophetic function of the seer was to tell and reveal all that is in a persons heart. The raah (seer) prophets, because of their powerful visions, provided supernatural navigation, direction, and guidance to those who inquired of God. What is the difference between a seer and a prophet? It is also important to note that shepherds, or pastors, of Gods flock have the ability to see in the prophetic. A psychic claims to have extrasensory perception and uses tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or intuition to gain insight into the future or hidden information. Hi, I was told by a prophet that my gift is to seer in the spirit and in visions and dreams, I do get a lot of visions and dreams, sometimes I dont know how to interpret them. See this very important post about this topic. Blog - Women of Grace - What's the Difference Between SEER and SEER2? - ABA (See Jack Wellmans Response). If youre worried about the visions and dreams you have then thats also something to pray about and ask the Lord what he wants to teach you through them. there is a man of God in this city, and he is a man who is held in honor; all that he says comes true. ),And chozeh (2 Samuel 24:11 2 Kings 17:13 1 Chronicles 21:9; 1 Chronicles 25:5; 1 Chronicles 29:29, etc. Throughout the Bible, seers were given visions from God concerning the past, present and future, they saw symbolic pictures and visions that were prophetic in nature, they had Heavenly encounters and were enabled by the Holy Spirit to see in the spiritual realm for God's purpose in that moment. Check out the rest of the site for more info! The prophet speaks more and the seer sees morethis is the only distinction between the two functions of prophet and seer. Roeh is another word Hebrew word for the aspect of seeing, which comes from the primitive root Hebrew word raah, which means to see, look at, inspect, observe, perceive and consider.. So a Seer was another name for a prophet because a seer was a prophet through whom God spoke with visions or pictures. God trained the spiritual eyes of Jeremiah the prophet to be able to see visions and to interpret what he saw in order to prophesy the revelation. I pray this has been edifying in the name of the Son of God. (Mosiah 13:25-26). This specific act of prophecy about the future seems to be what classifies Samuel as a "seer" as well as a prophet. The words "prophet" and "seer" are often used interchangeably, and indeed, both describe a person who is able to divine the future. The seer was a prophet and a prophet was a seer. The Gift of Prophecy - To Heaven and Back Again The raah prophet can see with both their natural and spiritual eyes. Why would we need to inquire of anyone else outside of the Bible? It does sound like you are a seer because they are characterised by visual revelations, like lots of visions and dreams. The fact is that both SEER and unit's performance are directly proportional. In my opinion, the title "prophet" is a more inclusive term that encompasses the function of a "seer". In 1 Chronicles 29:29, the word "seer" is used twice, but it is not the same Hebrew word. Something that had a profound impact on the world. Questions and Answers from BSM Newsletter. The difference between the seer (raah) and the prophet (nabi) is based solely on the seers ability to see. to whom God revealed Himself and [who] received messages directly from God (1 Samuel 3:7, 21). Likewise, the raah anointing resident in the pastoral and prophetic anointing is to see the way.. You only know when you know what God says about it. Difference between Pastors, Elders and Deacons. Additionally, other uses of the word prophet have been used in scriptures. Gad functioned in his prophetic office similar to Samuel, as both a prophet and a seer: Now when David arose in the morning, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Gad, Davids seer, saying, Go and tell David, Thus says the Lord: I offer you three things; choose one of them for yourself, that I may do it to you (2 Samuel 24:11-12). So now let us go there. What is the difference between an Apostle and a Prophet in the LDS Church? What Is A Seer And How Is That Different To A Prophet? I also was gifted with healing powers am I a seer? In summary: A prophet is a teacher of known truth; a seer is a perceiver of hidden truth, a revelator is a bearer of new truth. I have visions and see things before they happen. This shows that at one time, a seer was the same thing as a prophet as one who also inquired of God. In this last dispensation known as the dispensation of restoration the first presidency and the quorum of the 12 are called as prophets, seers and revelators. Will the United States be on the side of Israel in the last war? (Formerly in Israel, if someone went to inquire of God, they would say, Come, let us go to the seer, for the prophet of today used to be called a seer.) Somebody may be a saint and a seer at the same time, but here I am talking about the word description as such. Prophet or Seer? We will define and bring clarity and distinction between the twothe raah and the chozeh prophets. He was a prophet. That yields a 12 EER 100% rating. If so, what are the differences? He is an expounder of truth. One who sees something; an eyewitness. What is the difference between seer and prophet? Again, a quick look at a definition of prophet turns up the following: A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God. We have sometimes read or heard the term "seer" in the Bible and know the more popular term "prophet." So, what is the difference between a seer and a prophe. The call is simply the first step. They were able to see in the realm of the Spirit. It's more that each role has an emphasis, a tendency towards one or the other. ,and the second ( a prophet ) God has opened his mouth . This shows that at one time, a seer was the same thing as a prophet as one who also inquired of God. . The seer would receive insight from God about their meaning and what God wants to speak to the people about. a. 1. The prophetic seer aspect of this raah prophet also has a leading and leadership dimension in their prophetic office according to Psalm 23:2-3: He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Against such times as come in our modern day, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve are commissioned by God and sustained by you as prophets, seers, and revelators, with the President of the Church sustained as the prophet, seer, and revelator, the senior Apostle, and as such the only man authorized to exercise all of the revelatory and . Welcome to Matthew, Judges chapter 2 summary began with bad news for the, Matthew chapter 5 summary, Jesus the Holy Messiah from God, The Turning of Things Upside Down Introduction, A Careful Review of Abrams journey from Egypt to Land of Canaan, The Fifth Vial Poured Out continued from Revelation 16, The Fifth Vial Pour Out | Matthew 24 and 6th Seal, The Sixth Seal Connected to Matthew 24 Series, Argentina Won the World Cup Now What? Thanks Olivia, youre welcome. The Bible shows us they are the same but different. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Raah means a seer, someone who sees. The Discernment Gift God specifically instructs His people to stay away from such practices and the people involved in them (Zechariah 10:2; Isaiah 8:19-20; Acts 8:9-24). This shows that at one time, a seer was the same thing as a prophet as one who also inquired of God. These differences may seem minimal, but they still produce different data values and warrant a new rating system that aligns more closely with ongoing efforts to reduce overall . So, he was given an assistant to actually voice the words of the Lord. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church.